Stellenbosch University
Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management
The Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management in Humanities and Social Sciences is offered by Stellenbosch University.
Program Length: 3 YEARS.
Bachelor of Arts in Human Resource Management offered by the Stellenbosch University at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
This three-year programme prepares you for a career in the management of human resources in organisations - a competency of which South Africa has a particular need. You will learn to understand people's behaviour, in particular in a working environment; to improve the working and living conditions of people; to understand the South African working environment and to identify career opportunities; to communicate clearly and meaningfully with people; to undertake planning, recruitment and selection of human resources professionally and to deal with problems in labour relations.
First year:
Information Skills, Industrial Psychology, Philosophy, and Statistics or Statistical Methods, p[lus two subjects from Political Science, Psychology, Public and Development Management and Sociology. Also choose one of the following subjects: Afrikaans en Nederlands, Afrikaans Language Acquisition, Basic Xhosa, English Studies (if an African language is your home language or a matric subject, choose one of the Afrikaans modules or the English one, otherwise take the Basic Xhosa module).Second year:
Industrial Psychology, Economics, plus continued study in two of the following subjects: Political Science, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Public and Development Management, Psychology.Third year:
Industrial Psychology, plus continued study in two of the following subjects: Political Science, Sociology, Social Anthropology, Public and Development Management, Psychology.Note:If you want to register for a BCom Honours (Human Resource Management), you will need the following two major subjects: Industrial Psychology and Public and Development Management.If you want to migrate to BCom Honours (Industrial Psychology), you will need the following two major subjects: Industrial Psychology and Psychology.