University of the Witwatersrand
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance
The Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance in Arts is offered by University of the Witwatersrand.
Program Length: 4 YEARS.
Bachelor of Arts in Theatre and Performance offered by the University of the Witwatersrand
The Department of Theatre and Performance offers a four-year undergraduate professional degree in Theatre and the Performing Arts, known as the BADA degree which is an honours equivalent.
The degree combines a focused, discipline-specific foundation in areas of specialisation with an interdisciplinary academic programme to enhance student innovation, critical thinking and preparation for the world of work or further study.Professional majors offeredIn the first two years of study in the BA Theatre and Performance degree students take two professional courses, namely Performance Practice and Theatre and Production, our academic major, Theatre and Performance Studies, as well as a general BA elective. In their third and fourth years, students can choose two professional majors from a range of courses including Performance Studies, Directing, Writing, Design and Production, Arts Management, and Physical Theatre. For academic and research training, fourth years are required to choose between a long essay and a research project that will be supervised by a lecturer.Why study dramatic arts at Wits?Theatre and Performance offers a professional degree programme that combines academic excellence with practical rigour, by introducing a range of conceptual and creative vocabularies and practices that offer a unique preparation for the contemporary workplace. Theatre and Performance is interested in developing scholars, performers, theatre-makers, directors and choreographers, production and arts managers, teachers/facilitators/academics, designers and writers and are looking for outstanding practitioners in their chosen fields of practice, as well as theorists and critics who want to familiarise themselves with the practical aspects of the arts.What you are studying towardsThe BA Theatre and Performance degree from the Department of Theatre and Performance equips you for a career with multiple competencies within the discipline and to advance studies in our Postgraduate programmes. Our academic and professional menu of courses prepare you for jobs in extensive and diverse areas within the theatre, film, and television industry, as an actor, director, writer, academic, arts administrator, choreographer and designer.
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