University of the Witwatersrand
Bachelor of Arts in History of Arts
The Bachelor of Arts in History of Arts in History is offered by University of the Witwatersrand.
Program Length: 3 YEARS.
Bachelor of Arts in History of Arts offered by the University of the Witwatersrand
History of Art is an inherently interdisciplinary field of academic enquiry that begins with looking closely at images and objects. The stories they tell give us insight in the lives of their makers, viewers and users, as well as the spaces and times in which they are rooted.
History of Art is one of the cornerstones of an arts degree, complementing disciplines such as Anthropology, English, Archaeology, Philosophy, and Sociology as well as professional degrees including Fine Art, Dramatic Art, Digital Arts, and Film and Television.In a world powerfully shaped by the visual, a degree in art history provides the skills to understand, critically analyse and intervene in the visual world and its impact on how we think and act.