University of Johannesburg
Doctor of Philosophy in Education
The Doctor of Philosophy in Education in Education is offered by University of Johannesburg.
Program Length: 4 YEARS.
Subjects: 19.
Doctor of Philosophy in Education offered by the University of Johannesburg
Admission requirements:
• Prospective candidates will have obtained a MEd
• Prospective candidates will have obtained a teacher’s diploma/teaching qualification, plus an appropriate master’s degree as well as work experience in the field of study. The Education knowledge of such candidates will be assessed by the Head of Department and prospective supervisor and a reading programme may be prescribed prior to allowing registration.
Additional selection criteria: Academic performance: students need to have attained a minimum of 65% in their previous degree. If 65% was not attained, prior learning and experience in the field may be taken into consideration and students could be allowed to register based on a pre-registration research proposal which is accepted by the Department in which the student will be registering.
CurriculumA thesis is required on an approved topic in the field of Education. Students must attend a short learning programme in research methodology.Topics related to the following broad areas may be investigated:1. Adult Education2. Curriculum Studies3. Inclusive Education4. Educational and Learning Support5. Educational Linguistics6. Educational Management7. ICT in Education8. Higher Education9. Learning Area Methodology10. Life and Career Orientation11. Mathematics Education12. Philosophy of Education13. Psychology of Education14. Sociology of Education15. Science Education16. Teacher Education17. Technology Education18. Values and Human Rights Education19. Foundation Phase Education