Stellenbosch University
Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology
The Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology in Health Professions is offered by Stellenbosch University.
Program Length: 3 YEARS.
Subjects: 12.
Master of Science in Clinical Epidemiology offered by Stellenbosch University at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Programme descriptionClinical Epidemiology is the science of applying the best available research evidence to patient care. It uses the methods of epidemiology to find scientifically valid answers to questions concerning diagnosis, prevention, therapy, prognosis and aetiology, thus improving the evidence base for the care of individual patients.The course offers rigorous methodological training for those with a background or experience in a health-related discipline who wish to pursue a career in clinical research or evidence-based practice. The programme would also be of interest to potential researchers who require robust training in research techniques, including advanced concepts and methods of epidemiology.
Duration of programme
The programme is presented on a part-time basis over a minimum period of two years.Programme contentThe programme consists of modules with a total of 120 credits and a research project of 60 credits.You must complete ten modules (eight compulsory and two elective modules). The choice of elective modules depends on meeting relevant prerequisites for the modules and avoiding timetable clashes with core modules. Elective modules require a minimum number of 10 students. You must attend compulsory contact sessions and participate online in e-learning sessions.Compulsory modulesFirst yearFundamentals of Epidemiology (12)Biostatistics I (12)Research Proposal Writing and Grantsmanship (12)Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis (12)
Second yearDiagnosis and Screening (12)Randomised Controlled Trials (12)Writing and Reviewing Scientific Papers (12)Biostatistics II (12)Elective modulesChoose two of the following modules.First or second yearInfectious Disease Epidemiology (12)Economic Evaluation in Health Care (12)Qualitative Research Methods for Health (12)Second yearIntroduction to Health Systems and Public Health (12)Clinical Guidelines (12)Teaching Evidence-based Health Care (12)Survey Methods (12)Monitoring and Evaluation (12)Research project (60)Assessment and examinationModulesResearch project
- Formative and summative assessment of modules (120 credits) will be conducted by means of written examinations, oral presentations, written assignments and participation in discussions.
- A pass mark of 50% is required for each module with a subminimum of 45% for formative as well as summative assessment.
- If you fail any module, you may be denied the right to reregister for the programme.
- You are required to participate successfully and to integrate knowledge in projects, reports and assignments.
- The completed research project must be submitted in the prescribed format and will be assessed by both internal and external examiners.