Online Certificates: What Are the Most Common Mistakes in Marketing?
Monday, 31 May 2021
There are several online programmes related to marketing available, and they prepare their students to become professionals in the field. However, this doesn’t mean that they don’t make mistakes.
Each year, more and more South African students choose marketing as the field they want to become professionals in. This is due to various reasons: On the one hand, graduates from online programmes related to marketing are constantly being hired by companies of any size and kind. On the other hand, marketing is an ever-changing field that is constantly developing and improving itself, so, with versatility as quality, there is no wonder why students choose it.
However, despite the preparation these online certificates provide their students with, they still make some mistakes. So, in order to avoid failing in the process of designing a marketing strategy, it is useful to remember what those mistakes are.
These are some of the most common mistakes made by graduates of online programmes related to marketing.
Not researching
It is mandatory that graduates of these online certificates do some research on the audience they are aiming the campaign at. They must know their customers’ ages, interests, locations, and every other useful piece of information about them.
Not repeating customers
If a marketing campaign can’t make old customers buy again (the same product or other goods and services the company offers), it is considered a massive failure. Graduates of these online programmes know that most sales come from old customers that repeat their purchase and only a little profit is made on new customers. So the effort must be put into maintaining the most loyal customers.
Not tracking the campaign’s performance
This is fundamental. How can graduates of these online certificates know if their campaigns were successful or not if they don’t keep track of their performance? It can't be done. Therefore, they must use all the tools available in order to analyze the results of each campaign. That is the only possible way for them to be able to improve the most flawed ones and know which ones are successful.
Which institutions offer online certificates in marketing?
In South Africa, the number of online programmes available is high and ever-growing. However, when it comes to this particular field of study, the best option might be the Higher Certificate in Marketing offered by the IMM Graduate School. It is just one of the many online certificates available in this institution, and it has a total length of one year.
If you want to get more information about this programme or any of the other in-person and online programmes available in different South African institutions, you can begin your search by visiting our website: Start University.
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