Nelson Mandela University
Diploma in Law Enforcement
The Diploma in Law Enforcement in Law and Legal Studies is offered by Nelson Mandela University.
Program Length: 3 YEARS.
This qualification has been approved in terms of the new Higher Education Qualification Sub-Framework (HEQSF).This programme focuses on law enforcement in the marine and coastal environment as every coastal municipality has a governing function in this field. Those studying for this qualification must be trained to enforce marine and coastal legislation as well as by-laws. These by-laws and marine and coastal regulations act together with other law enforcement agencies such as SAPS and SARS.Admission Requirements
In order to get a Diploma in Law Enforcement, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements that might vary depending on the type of certificate to be earned. Candidates are selected based on achieving the minimum requirements, academic performance, experience in the field, and the motivation for admission provided by the applicant. Those candidates with the highest marks will be first considered.If a candidate meets all the requirements but is not given a place in the selection process will be placed on a waiting list that will accept them only after the cancellation of other applicants.
- Minimum NSC statutory requirements for diploma entry must be met.
- Those applicants with NSC Grade 12 Mathematics need a minimum Applicant Score of 330. Those with NSC Grade 12 Mathematical Literacy or Technical Mathematics require 345.
- NSC achievement rating of at least 55% for English Home or 60% for English First Additional Language.
- An average mark of at least 60% for the Higher Certificate in Criminal Justice.
- The student’s admissions are subject to a selection following criteria approved by the Faculty Management Committee.
Career Opportunities
In this programme, students will have to understand the general principles of criminal law, focusing on relevant legislation and the different phases of law enforcement. They will also have to grasp various practical aspects of law enforcement.Candidates will increase their levels through several practice activities in particular modules, including the application of their knowledge related to crime scene management in a simulated crime scene, or writing statements taken from witnesses or victims of a crime.
Diploma in Law Enforcement Curriculum
Digital LiteracyEnforcement of Marine and Coastal LegislationEnglish Studies for Criminal Justice AEnglish Studies for Criminal Justice BIntroduction to South African LawGeneral Principles of Law EnforcementEnforcement of By-laws Relating to the Sea and the CoastPre-trial ProceduresTaking of StatementsSECOND YEAR
Compulsory modules:
Conduct of a Criminal TrialCriminal Investigation IConstitutional LawIntroduction to Common Law and Statutory CrimesLaw for Fisheries Control Officials, Inspectors and other Enforcement OfficialsImplementation of a Law Enforcement StrategyCriminal Law IOptional modules:
Advanced Enforcement of Marine and Coastal LawAdvanced Enforcement of By-laws Relating to the Sea and CoastTHIRD YEAR
Criminal Investigation IICriminal ProcedureProactive Management of Law Enforcement (Major)Law of EvidenceEnforcement of Environmental LawIdentification of Marine Species and Vessels and Gear used in Illegal FishingCrime Scene Protection and ManagementSupervising Law Enforcement Personnel (Major)