Stellenbosch University
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Statistics
The Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Statistics in Mathematics is offered by Stellenbosch University.
Program Length: 2 YEARS.
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Statistics offered by the Stellenbosch University at the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences
Mathematical Statistics and Statistics: Advanced statistical inference, Bayesian statistics, biostatistics, bootstrap and related computer-intensive techniques, categorical data analysis, consultation practice, data mining, experimental design, extreme value theory, large sample analysis, multidimensional scaling, multivariate statistical analysis, probability models and stochastic simulation, probability theory, non-parametric techniques, sampling theory, S-PLUS and R programming, statistical learning theory, statistical quality control, survival analysis, time series analysis.
Requirements regarding work to be submittedPhD candidates are required to:
- complete advanced original research of a highly creative nature, subject to approval of the University, in the area of economic and management sciences or administrative sciences.
- submit original work(s) – already published – of a high standard, dealing with a central theme and which, in the opinion of Senate, shows that the candidate has made a substantial contribution to the enrichment of knowledge in the field of economics, business or administrative sciences.
- conduct an oral examination, if required by the examiners, to the University’s satisfaction